Doing the Chores
Gots to be done
Looking at the intitial commits in this repo, and seeing that it's already been six months since the birth of the moneymaker, I strongly suspected that my deps were not exactly up to date. Running a quick scan showed that to be true. Since last time node has released a new LTS version, and typescript is now on version 5. A quick search for @types/node revealed it to only be present in my manifest files, so why that is in there in the first place I cannot recall. It might be a peer dep, and I cant be bothered figuring that out now.
Anywhozle, with me jumping to node 20, and this being worked on from the same machine as I have other projects on different node versions, I had to finally go about automating the node version toggling. Having used nvm for a while I knew that you could add a .nvmrc file to your repo, and toggle version with nvm use. What I wanted, however, was for the node version to be switched automagically for me when cd-ing into a repo with specified nvm version. As always, SO came to the rescue through this post. Having updated my .nvmrc according to the answer, I have now saved myself from future mishaps due to being on the wrong node version when switching repos.
Aside from node version stuff, next has moved from using a seaprate package for fonts to exporting it from the defautl package. Conveniently the also released a codemod that, at least in my case did the necessary work for me. As far as I can tell, all the codemod did was remove my @next/font dependency and change my imports, but still, I'm always surprised when such tools work with no fuzz. Creds to whoever wrote it.
That would be all ✌️